Thursday, March 31, 2005

Working for the Government

Ten things to think about before accepting a job with a government agency:

1. Don't (obviously)
2. Seriously consider how you feel about security
3. American Splendor
4. Atrophy
5. The cost of medicating yourself
6. Seeing GW's portrait every day
7. Job Security (its downside)
8. The verb "postal"
9. Government-issued furniture
10. An exit strategy

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My Truck, my friend

Posted by Hello


I didn't listen to Stephen Elliott and I played poker on-line and I had a beer and then I had another. In fact I'm doing it right now - jumping back and forth from there to here. Right now I'm out about ten bucks so I need to buckle it down. And now I'm back because I lost the fifty I went in with. It's fast -way too fast, and you can sit around in your boxers and your un-shaven face, and greasy hair and lose and lose fast. It's a bad, bad thing for compulsives. Bottom line - Mr. Elliot is right: Stay away.