Thursday, April 27, 2006

In the Land of Cheese and Brats

My family who all still live in Wisconsin (it's a long story) took a collective sigh of relief when this story broke Hope Springs Eternal.

It's a land of dreamers and heartbreak and when the leaves once again begin to fall, the faithful, the ones who wear cheese on their heads, will sit in their rec-rooms (don't ask) and in between bites of brats and swigs of Miller, they will belch and they will hope. Soon the dark months of winter will come. Out will come the brandy.

Come on People - Get Out the Vote

Voting is such an important tool - not to mention a right. That we as Americans (no offense to non-American readers) need to make the most of every opportunity to take part in this - dare I say, sacred right. So, here I give you Vote Now!.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Writing They Asked For

"They" actually being my father, but I decided to post some of my fiction on the web because Google was giving out free real estate and I wanted to see how it would look and it didn't look terrible so, for now, I'm leaving it up.

There's probably copyright issues involved - and I've been too lazy to go back and fix that. Some of these stories have been already published, and at least two are currently making the rounds. The stories listed under "linked stories" are ones that all share at least one character in common and for the most part they are set in New Mexico. I'm half-way through the 6th one and when I finish I'll probably put it up as well. My intention is to get at least 10 of these linked ones and shop them around as a book of linked stories.

Oh, yeah - the web site can be found here